Published on 11/14/2018 6:11 am

Are you seeing more bike than usual by the workplace? If so, you are certainly not alone. According to many surveys, nearly 60 percent more people ride their bicycle to work compared to ten years back. Consequently, more workplaces are turning out to be bicycle friendly. This includes offering secure bike storage systems, info regarding bicycle policies in a company handbook and even offering shared bikes on the organization’s campus.

The advantages of bicycling to work for employees are clear: not just is it healthier & less traumatic, but bike-riders will spend less on car-associated expenditure. Nevertheless, employers can benefit from this rising trend also. Here’re a few reasons why workplaces must become bicycle-friendly.

Employee Satisfaction:

The trend of cycling is on the rise. This is especially because of an increasing penchant by the younger generation to live in more urban regions & a lessening attention in vehicle ownership. These look to be more structural rather than

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Kings Bicycle Parking